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Seit mehr als 20 Jahren sind digitale Herausforderungen unsere Inspiration, um die besten Lösungen für unsere Kunden zu entwickeln.

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Jira Workflow Toolbox

Das Komplettpaket an Tools für Jira, um Prozesse mühelos zu automatisieren - von einfachen Anforderungen bis hin zu hochkomplexen Geschäftsabläufen.

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Smart Fields for Jira

Verwandelt Issue-Daten in verwertbare Erkenntnisse durch den direkten Zugriff auf benötigte Informationen über benutzerdefinierte, vollständig anpassbare Live-Felder.

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sumUp for Jira

Einblick in alle relevanten Zahlen - in Echtzeit. Mit einfachem, effizientem und bequemem Zugriff direkt in Jira. Ohne manuelle Exporte und mit nur wenigen Klicks.

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DB Systel
Wir verstehen

Von Administratoren für Administratoren! Unsere Erfahrungen aus der Beratung fließen unmittelbar in unsere Apps ein, was diese zu unverzichtbaren Begleitern bei der Nutzung von Jira und Confluence macht.

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Unsere erfahrenen Teams sind darauf spezialisiert, zukunftsorientiert Daten, Kommunikation, Menschen, Prozesse und Organisationen zu vernetzen.

Dabei bieten wir als unabhängiges Beratungs- und Softwarehaus ein breites Spektrum an Dienstleistungen.

Der Ansprechpartner für alles rund um Atlassian.

Atlassian Solutions

Von der Lizenzierung, über die professionelle Konfiguration bis hin zur Migration bestehender Systeme und Marketplace Apps in die Cloud bieten wir das komplette Spektrum an Services rund um die Atlassian Welt an.

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Atlassian Solutions
Entscheidungen treffen, basierend auF Insights.

Data Analytics

Unsere modernen Analytics-Systeme ermöglichen fundierte Entscheidungen durch das Aufzeigen von Mustern und Zusammenhängen. Dabei unterstützen wir von der Beratung bis zur Implementierung.

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Data Analytics
modernes, kanalübergreifendes Dialog-Marketing.

Database Marketing

Unser Database Marketing Team zeichnet sich durch seine Spezialisierung, Lösungsorientierung und hohe Anpassungsfähigkeit aus. Wir verfügen über jahrelanges Know-how und umfassendes Technologie- und Branchenwissen.

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Database Marketing
Effektive Mitarbeiter-Incentive-Systeme.

Individual Software

Wir entwickeln Individualsoftware und unterstützen beim Betrieb von Anwendungen, insbesondere von Mitarbeiter-Incentive-Systemen für ein großes deutsches Telekommunikationsunternehmen.

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Individual Software

Wir sind unabhängig und objektiv.
Da unsere Teams in unterschiedlichen Welten und Technologien zuhause sind, können wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen anbieten.

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Bleib´ immer
Ein Anzug für den guten Zweck

Ein Anzug für den guten Zweck

In einem Pilotprojekt wandte sich Dave an unsere Partner im Atlassian-Ökosystem mit einer kreativen Einladung: Würden sie ihr Firmenlogo auf einem seiner auffälligen Anzüge platzieren und im Gegenzug eine Spende an die Elterninitiative krebskranker Kinder Koblenz e. V. leisten? Die Resonanz war überwältigend.

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Wir feiern 20 Jahre Decadis: Eine unvergessliche Nacht

Wir feiern 20 Jahre Decadis: Eine unvergessliche Nacht

Am vergangenen Freitag, den 6. September 2024, feierten wir voller Stolz einen wichtigen Meilenstein auf dem Weg von Decadis - unser 20-jähriges Bestehen. Es war ein Abend voller Freude, Dankbarkeit und gemeinsamer Erinnerungen, an dem wir auf zwei Jahrzehnte Erfolg, Wachstum und vor allem auf die Menschen zurückblickten, die dies alles möglich gemacht haben.

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sumUp for monday Just Got Even Better!

sumUp for monday Just Got Even Better!

We are hyped to announce the latest update to sumUp for monday, designed to elevate your project management experience to a whole new level. Our dedicated team has been working tirelessly to bring you a suite of powerful new features that will transform how you manage your projects and tasks.

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Decadis in Amersfoort - Prepend Consulting Day

Decadis in Amersfoort - Prepend Consulting Day

We recently had the privilege of attending the Prepend Consulting Day, which took place at the innovative Atelier 300c in the charming city of Amersfoort. Amersfoort, with its historic architecture and vibrant cultural scene, provided an inspiring location for this event.

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Decadis in Belgien - Technovate 2024 by Abano

Decadis in Belgien - Technovate 2024 by Abano

"Willkommen zur Technovate 2024, der Veranstaltung, die Visionäre, Fachleute und Vordenker aus der Welt der IT zusammenbringt", lautete das Motto unseres Partners Abano zum diesjährigen Event. Dem Aufruf folgten wir als Decadis und waren auch als Sponsor mit auf dem Event vertreten.

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Berlin Calling: React Days & Test Summit 2023

Berlin Calling: React Days & Test Summit 2023

Vor kurzem hatten wir das Vergnügen, an den React Days und den Test Summit Konferenzen in Berlin teilzunehmen. Von aufschlussreichen Vorträgen bis hin zur Erkundung der kulinarischen Genüsse Berlins erwiesen sich diese Veranstaltungen als sowohl bereichernd als auch unterhaltsam.

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Decadis in Copenhagen: Atlas Camp 2023

Decadis in Copenhagen: Atlas Camp 2023

Das Atlas Camp, Atlassians Vorzeige-Entwicklerkonferenz, fand am 4. und 5. Dezember in Kopenhagen statt. Auch dieses Jahr kamen Entwickler aus der ganzen Welt zusammen, um Kontakte zu knüpfen, wertvolle Erkenntnisse auszutauschen und sich für die Zukunft des Atlassian-Ökosystems zu motivieren! Eine Veramstaötimg. die wir uns nicht entgehen lassen konnten.

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Decadis beim Jira Day 2023

Decadis beim Jira Day 2023

Showcase für Innovation und Zusammenarbeit. Wenn es darum geht, die sich ständig weiterentwickelnde Landschaft der Atlassian-Lösungen und des IT-Service-Managements zu erkunden, erwies sich eine Veranstaltung als ein weiteres Highlight dieses Jahres: der von Deviniti veranstaltete „Jira Day 2023“ in der malerischen Stadt Krakau.

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Decadis gehört zur Top 15 der nachhaltigsten Arbeitgeber in Deutschland

Decadis gehört zur Top 15 der nachhaltigsten Arbeitgeber in Deutschland

Mit großer Freude und Stolz hat uns kürzlich die Information zu einer bedeutenden Auszeichnung erreicht. Unsere Bemühungen für Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung haben sich ausgezahlt, denn wir wurden vom renommierten Arbeitgeber-Bewertungsportal kununu für das Jahr 2023 als einer der 15 nachhaltigsten Arbeitgeber Deutschlands ausgezeichnet. Diese Ehrung ist das Ergebnis einer Auswertung von Bewertungen auf der Plattform hinsichtlch der Kategorie "Umwelt- & Sozialbewusstsein".

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META-INF Atlassian Day 2023

META-INF Atlassian Day 2023

Budapest was calling! Letzte Woche ging es für unser Team wieder zum META-INF Atlassian Day nach Ungarn. Die Vorfreude war groß, denn wir durften bereits zum zweiten Mal als Vendor Teil dieses Events sein. Ebenfalls mit im Gepäck: Ein Talk, ein Workshop, eine Menge neuer Swag und natürlich unsere Apps.

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sumUp für Jira Cloud - Metriken jetzt auch im Issue Navigator verfügbar

sumUp für Jira Cloud - Metriken jetzt auch im Issue Navigator verfügbar

Mit sumUp für Jira Cloud kann man sich nun auch essentielle Metriken direkt im Issue Navigator in Jira anzeigen lassen - eine Funktion, die es bisher nur in der on-prem Variante für Jira gab. In diesem Artikel geben wir einen kurzen Überblick über die neue Beta-Funktionalität von sumUp für Jira Cloud und wie diese eure Arbeit in Jira vereinfachen kann.

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Atlassian Team'23 – Decadis heads to Las Vegas

Atlassian Team'23 – Decadis heads to Las Vegas

Another year, another great Atlassian Team expo, formerly known as Summit, is officially over. Decadis was once again a sponsor of the expo and sent five colleagues to the United States - Thorsten Letschert, Dave Wünsch, Julian Riedinger and Michele Toscani from the German headquarters, as well as Sergio del Pino Domínguez from our Spanish office in Seville.

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Eine Reise durch die Unternehmensgeschichte

Eine Reise durch die Unternehmensgeschichte

Seit nun mehr als 18 Jahren stehen wir unseren Kunden bei digitalen Herausforderungen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Hiermit erkunden wir die Wege der Vergangenheit, um zu beleuchten, wer wir sind, was uns auszeichnet und welche Inspiration hinter der Decadis steht.

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App Week 2023

App Week 2023

Die Atlassian App Week 2023 bringt Entwickler, Ingenieure, Produktmanager und viele andere Fachleute zusammen, um die Zukunft der Atlassian-Plattform zu gestalten.

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Success Story: Abrechnungszentrum Emmendingen

Success Story: Abrechnungszentrum Emmendingen

Das Abrechnungszentrum Emmendingen (ARZ) ist in Healthcare Data Intelligence seit vielen Jahren Vorreiter für Digitalisierung im komplexen und sensiblen Gesundheitswesen. Mit rund 600 Mitarbeitenden übernimmt das ARZ das Abrechnungs- und Datenmanagement für zahlreiche gesetzliche Krankenkassen in ganz Deutschland.

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Timetracking in Jira

Timetracking in Jira

Jira ships with the basic ability to track time using worklogs on individual issues. You can even view the cumulated time spent on issues in the issue view and in gadgets

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Cloud is the future

Cloud is the future

Atlassian macht einen weiteren großen Schritt um die Reise in Richtung Cloud zu beschleunigen. ☁ Ab dem 15. Februar werden die Preise für Server- und Data Center-Produkte erhöht.

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ACE Koblenz Kick Off

ACE Koblenz Kick Off

💬👂🏻Networking, 🍕Pizza und 🥤🍻Drinks - was mehr hätten wir uns vom ersten Atlassian Community Event in Koblenz wünschen können? Kurz gesagt: Nichts!

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ACE Koblenz

ACE Koblenz

Unternehmen sowie Privatpersonen, die Atlassian Produkte (z.B. Jira, Confluence, Trello, Bitbucket usw.) im Einsatz haben, können auf solchen Events zusammenkommen, individuelle Use Cases besprechen, Tipps und Tricks erhalten und haben zusätzlich die Möglichkeit direkt mit Experten von Atlassian selbst, persönlich zu sprechen.

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Space Tools Pro Video

Space Tools Pro Video

We know the struggle: Keeping your #Confluence pages clean, organized, and visually appealing is time-consuming - and to be honest, annoying. What if there's a simple solution for this? 🤫

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Wir wissen zu

While the product requires some familiarity with JQL in your specific environment to be fully leveraged, it can be easy to use once you get the hang of it. What truly stands out is the outstanding support provided by the team. They are incredibly responsive and offer invaluable recommendations, especially when it comes to tackling complex requests.

Eric G.
Eric G.
Jira Workflow Toolbox Cloud

I have been using JWT for 10 years and have always been very impressed with the quality, flexibility, and support. I recently ran into a situation where we had an issue with another vendor's [sic] post function checking conditions of fields set by a JWT post function. The support team was able to dive into a complex set of transitions in our workflow and quickly identify the root cause. They then defined a way to use a JWT post function to correctly validate a complex set of conditions and field updates. I implemented the post function per their design and replace 6 non-JWT post functions with a single JWT post function that worked perfectly. Thank you for the amazing support.

Mike M.
Mike M.
Jira Workflow Toolbox

„What a lovely and super useful app! Makes it so easy to present data. Another great app from Decadis!“

Emma R.
Emma R.
xCharts for Jira

„Great app! So far all we have used it for is Copy Space, but this is a critical function and this is the BEST and easiest way to do it - it literally takes minutes and is far simpler than methods used previously. I look forward to trying out all the other features!“

Megan E.
Megan E.
Space Admin for Confluence

„There is so much time we are saving by using this tool. The functionality is absolutely awesome. This is what we have missed in Jira Standard. We would recommend this tool to any administrator.“

Norbert K.
Norbert K.
xCharts for Jira

„Superb AddOn for our installation. The functionality is super-useful and handy and it absolutely works better than the commercial ones.“

Norbert K.
Norbert K.
Last Log for Jira

„A must-have for every JIRA-Administrator. SOOOOO powerful. Thanks!“

Licences C.
Licences C.
Admin Toolbox for Jira

Great app and the team was quick to fix an issue that came up following an Atlassian update.

Francois T.
Francois T.
sumUp for Jira Cloud

The program I work with has become very dependent on the sumUp for JIRA widget. Recently a bug caused the widget to not work for a certain use case critical to us. Decadis AG was prompt in responding to our support request and resolved the issues within a few days. Working with them was easy.

Buddy B.
Buddy B.
sumUp for Jira Cloud

„SumUp is a great add-on. We use it to display many statistics both on a sprint and product level. Furthermore the support team is very responsive, quickly jumping in to user requests.“

Piotr W.
Piotr W.
sumUp for Jira

"What a ray of hope - User switcher, working with workflows - Copy conditions, validators & post functions from the current or any other active or inactive workflow, sort conditions with drag & drop - everything it's so much easier with admin toolbox. Thank you so much for this app."

Julia B.
Julia B.
Admin Toolbox for Jira

„Easy to configure and it makes a huge difference in our ability to create reports.“

Franky B.
Franky B.
sumUp for Jira

„For me as a Jira Admin the tool is definitely a very powerful utility for my daily business! So happy that I found it. Keep Up the good work!“

Chris R.
Chris R.
Admin Toolbox for Jira

„This add-on is great, and better than other alternatives (even commercial ones) currently available. It allows for filtering of any log file on the instance on which it is installed, and saves Admins from having to SSH into the server to get to that information.“

Betsy W.
Betsy W.
Last Log for Confluence

„For us, this is an advanced AddOn to visilize our performance and report our work. Very good Tool, that we would recommend at any time.“

Norbert K.
Norbert K.
xCharts for Jira

One of the must-have add-ons/plug-ins for Jira Cloud. The support provided by the team truly stands out. They are responsive and offer invaluable recommendations, especially when solving complex challenges. I'll recommend using it!

Ben v. d. B.
Ben v. d. B.
Jira Workflow Toolbox Cloud

"Very useful addon and great support :)"

Libor N.
Libor N.
Jira Workflow Toolbox Cloud

„Just installed this plugin! Nice tool that creates extra value for admins. Definitely a tool that should be in everyone‘s add-on list.“

Dave B.
Dave B.
Admin Toolbox for Jira

A must-have product for all admins, paired with an excellent support team!

Áron B.
Áron B.
Admin Toolbox for Jira

"Great support from the team while we work thru our migration to the cloud"

Webster A.
Webster A.
Jira Workflow Toolbox Cloud

„This app fills a missing piece in Jira and saves a lot of effort. What seems like a very simple thing is a great addition.“

Jim E.
Jim E.
sumUp for Jira

„Awesome simple add-on. The best way to extract statistics for projects!“

Joel B.
Joel B.
sumUp for Jira

"Great for extending the native jira workflow and adding complex functions!"

Bianca F.
Bianca F.
Jira Workflow Toolbox Cloud

„We‘re running DC and it would be really helpful if you were able optionally merge the latest logs chronologically from each of the DC nodes. This would help to locate specific events when debugging development or production bugs and other faults.“

Peter M.
Peter M.
Last Log for Confluence

"Thanks for this greatful app, it is so easy to use, we use it in our Dashboards. It calculates the sums of Jira custom fields so easily - works brillant without additional configuration or scripting. Great thank you."

Julia B.
Julia B.
sumUp for Jira Cloud

„Great Plugin and greater Support! THX a lot guys!“

Andreas H.
Andreas H.
Jira Workflow Toolbox

"Nice app and it reduces our work, Eazy to understand for everyone."

Alla A. K.
Alla A. K.
Jira Workflow Toolbox Cloud

„This is a great app for companies in need to manage a bunch of various spaces. It is a simple yet effective process: the app displays all of your spaces and pages as a file hierarchy and supports all of the relevant functionality, such as copying / deleting / moving or renaming of pages and spaces. Simple to understand (also thanks to the good documentation) and simple to work with.“

Adrian H.
Adrian H.
Space Tools Pro for Confluence

„Once you try it, you'll never want to go back! Having every space tree in a single location and being able to shuffle pages by dragging and dropping is just SO convenient! I also like how easy it is to replicate entire structures from our space templates.“

Jaime C.
Jaime C.
Space Tools Pro for Confluence

"I have recently used the JWT add-on. and I'm facing some configuration problems to setup JWT on Jira. I'm using the free trial of JWT, and they still help with this and give quick responses. Other plugin vendors take 24 hours for a single replay. This is a good thing I have found in this plugin.."

Jira Workflow Toolbox Cloud

„This is a real "Swiss knife" for Confluence. If you wish to quickly check which spaces and pages you have and see the tree structure at a glance, that's a perfect tool for it. And my special love goes to creating a space with this app. “

Natalya T.
Natalya T.
Space Tools Pro for Confluence

„This addon is great! I took me a while to figure out the chart data scripts, but I got some excellent feedback from the team.“

Tom v. R.
Tom v. R.
xCharts for Jira

„This add-on is great, and better than other alternatives (even commercial ones) currently available. It allows for filtering of any log file on the instance on which it is installed, and saves Admins from having to SSH into the server to get to that information.“

Betsy W.
Betsy W.
Last Log for Jira

„App is really using and the scripting gives a lot of flexibility. Support is also prompt and helpful :)“

Pamela N.
Pamela N.
xCharts for Jira

„Die App ist ein must have für jeden Confluence Administrator und optimal konfiguriert. Hat mir Stundenlange Kleinarbeit erspart.“

Mike S.
Mike S.
Space Admin for Confluence

„Great app. The ability to create custom charts is essential for us and the huge amount of given examples helps to find a deep dive into the underlying structure. The only thing I‘m currently missing is the possibility to define live parameters for custom charts and the corresponding dashboard gadgets too.“

Guenther H.
Guenther H.
xCharts for Jira

„Brilliant add-on, the amount of things it helps to get done in Jira is just getting longer, the more i get to know the app. Essential tool for any customization that you can think of, plus it really is super easy to use and if you can´t figure it out yourself, their support staff is amazingly quick, friendly and helpful. Shout-out to Jona, Sergej, Max and all the others hard at work, your support is hugely appreciated. You guys rock! 5/4 stars.“

Taavi A.
Taavi A.
Jira Workflow Toolbox

„Extremely powerful add-on. It‘s user friendly with good documentation. Support team are rock stars in their own right. They don‘t hold back on service and would assist you until your happy (even after resolving the real problem).“

Marc Jason M.
Marc Jason M.
Jira Workflow Toolbox

„Dear fellow Admins, Go for it! Makes our lives so much more easier!“

Chris R.
Chris R.
Space Admin for Confluence

„Smart Fields for Jira makes configuring Jira expression fields a breeze! We are very pleased with the app."

Jan G.
Jan G.
Smart Fields for Jira

„I think its even more powerful than I think :-) But of course it obviously closes a gap in the JIRA design!"

Henri V.
Henri V.
Smart Fields for Jira

"This FREE plugin is very powerful and is helping me a lot with troubleshooting. In addition, the technical support for this tool is amazingly fast! Thank you, Nicolas, for providing a great answer for my case :) Greetings Chris"

Christian K.
Christian K.
Last Log for Jira

„Lovely and useful. Does just what needs to be done for Admins very smoothly and intuitively.“

Rich W.
Rich W.
Last Log for Jira

The tool does exactly what it has to do (sum time, SP...), no more/no less. Perfect.

Hüppin U.
Hüppin U.
sumUp for Jira Cloud

„Very satisfied with JWT and the support provided. It has given us more transitions and flexibility in our workflows and let‘s us be as creative as we need to be.“

Bradley D.
Bradley D.
Jira Workflow Toolbox

„What a fantastic solution! Pages relocation and management in Confluence has never been this easy before. Many thanks from our team. Highly recommend!“

Anna O.
Anna O.
Space Tools Pro for Confluence

„Absolutely great Add-On! It extends the jira options „to infinity and beyond“. :D And Decadis got an awesome support. Just had two questions, which got answered in a blink of an eye. :) I <3 JWT by Decadis“

Sebastian W.
Sebastian W.
Jira Workflow Toolbox

„Very powerful tool that you can replace most of other addons to handle workflow transition functions. Great support team, I got my questions answered and resolved in a day or two with effective solutions!“

Charles P.
Charles P.
Jira Workflow Toolbox

„Excellent tool and fast support during an initial problem with the Workflow report.“

Jörg v. L.
Jörg v. L.
Admin Toolbox for Jira

„A wonderful addition to our metrics toolbox. Great for dashboards that give the team and their stakeholders visibility into what‘s been done and well as what is in the pipeline.“

Andy C.
Andy C.
sumUp for Jira

The management of sub-tasks is such a chore in Jira, and I'm thankful for JWT for automating a lot of sub-task workflow steps that has saved us so much manual work!

Andrew B.
Andrew B.
Jira Workflow Toolbox

„There is so much time we are saving by using this tool. The functionality is absolutely awesome. This is what we have missed in Jira Standard. We would recommend this tool to any administrator.“

Norbert K.
Norbert K.
Admin Toolbox for Jira

The JIRA Workflow Toolbox has been a life saver in enabling us to configure workflows meeting our full business needs, including steps with multiple approvers, custom email notifications, and requiring different fields at different transitions. I had a developer in the past that was able to do this with another plugin but he had to write groovy scripts. I no longer have a developer and was able to implement the same functionality now myself without the need to write any scripts. The UI is intuitive and very powerful. And the JWT support team is fantastic when you need help implementing a use case.

Brent L.
Brent L.
Jira Workflow Toolbox

„Great app, gives me all the „missing“ Confluence space admin functionality that I need to work efficiently in Confluence. This app has been a lifesaver (time saver, for sure!).“

Emma R.
Emma R.
Space Admin for Confluence

„For anyone who is administering an instance with more than one workflow, this is a must-have. Drag re-order postfunctions, statuses, and resolutions. Copy-paste postfunctions. DD search for custom items. All valuable features for any admin.“

Brian A.
Brian A.
Admin Toolbox for Jira

Very useful functionality, and extremely helpful in identifying and solving problems we've been having.

Patryk M.
Patryk M.
Jira Workflow Toolbox Cloud

„The Swiss army knife for Confluence admins: Deals with virtually every admin task: Permissions, pages, blog posts, comments... copy / move, delete what you want. Automatic attachment purging can be activated. The Space Shuttle gives you a new navigation concept in Confluence on top. Highly recommended!“

Jan-Peter R.
Jan-Peter R.
Space Admin for Confluence

Great support!

Vamis K.
Vamis K.
Jira Workflow Toolbox Cloud

„Really useful tool, that should be core functionality of confluence! Great support, too.“

Martim H.
Martim H.
Space Admin for Confluence

Very nice App! It saves a lot of time and makes administrative tasks so much faster and easier.

Oliver P.
Oliver P.
Space Admin for Confluence
Last Log for Jira
Jira Data Center Admins aufgepasst!

Last Log for Jira wurde komplett überarbeitet und bietet kinderleichten Zugriff auf alle wichtige Log Files direkt(!) in Jira. Effizient und wunderschön!

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Junior Consultant Database Marketing (m/w/d)

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dacadis - Mitarbeiterin
